most favorites

On Saturday, Feb. 1, I made my most favorite terrariums EVER. I used containers I found at World Market that have concrete bases. The wide one is about a foot, so it's really an eye-catching piece. The only thing I had to work around was making the glass flush with the base after filling it with dirt. That was solved by running a chopstick around the edges as the last step. You will also see I transported my second tiny bird's nest fern to the tall one. It has a long ways to go but it has the vertical space it needs. I have been looking at ferns for a couple of weeks now and went with a white-rabbit's foot fern for the wide one.

Here they are. TA-DA!

white-rabbit's foot fern
golden club moss Aurea
Selaginella erythropus Ruby Red

Angel Vine
Bird's nest fern
Selaginella erythropus Ruby Red

#terrarium #houseplant, #fern

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