letting the light in

because I have it stuck in my head that all plants could use real sunlight at some point in their lives. Even if they prefer shade, I give them about a half hour to 2 hours of real sun, or a whole day of fluorescent when the skies are cloudy. I like seeing humidity build up in the enclosed ones. Inside those are episcias. The pretty, iridescent leaves are what caught my attention. They are related to African violets, so I used pre-made African violet soil. And they are still alive! I have 2 kinds--chocolate and another kind that's still a mystery to me. They do not like water on their leaves--water spots rot through them. I spray the edges of the container to get it humid and wipe any water off the leaves. I also noticed some thin roots growing on the sides of the lower stem areas, so I added more dirt to cover those up. Plants are kind of strange. In hindsight, I think I would like to try to mix in some extra perlite and see what happens.



#plant #garden #episcia #terrarium

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